الخميس، 27 يناير 2011

The Home Remedies Beauty Tips - A Little Over Everything

Our skin is the most important possessions in our body that we take care of, and the beauty and the effectiveness of a person is reflected from their good skin. When the beauty is reflected from the skin it indicates the good health of a person. Every person wants the good skin along with the good looks, but not everybody has much time to go out to visit skin specialties and get the treatment. If you are wishing for a good and alluring skin then it requires a special care. Even when you put on a makeup and splendid clothes it gets along with the skin if the skin in not beautiful.

Looking at the frantic pace of our life we meet with end number of diseases that make our skin dead day-by-day and hardly people are bothered as they are unaware about the consequences.    By the fast life we understand people barely get time for themselves which they like to spend at home with family than moving out for such things. There are also numerous home remedies beauty tips which will keep your skin fresh and appealing. In fact it is really good to apply the home remedies for the beauty of skin than visiting any skin specialist or salon that will charge heavy toll and may occur the chances of side effects.         

Here are some of the home remedies beauty tips which will assure you for the fresh and attractive skin. 

Aging skin:  You must try aloevera to obviate our skin from gaining; aloe vera gel is helpful in improving the lesions. 

Tired eyes:  Apply a cool cloth soaked in chamomile tea to reduce tired eyes. Putting a drop of rose water into each eye just before you sleep can also refresh you eyes. Use a little salt or sugar occasionally to exfoliate the skin. Facial masks help keep your skin beautiful.   

For pimples:  Garlic is well known antibiotic treatment for pimples and acne. Dilute some lemon juice with water and dab on pimples to kill germs, cool inflammation and improve blood circulation. Apply the grated apple mixed with a little honey to get rid of pimples. Or you can even dab a small amount of toothpaste (paste, not gel) on pimples before bed; this helps dry out the pimples.

Hair Loss:  Try drinking biotin rich drinks this will obviate the hair loss. If you will drink blend bananas with honey, yogurt and low fat milk it would be a great help. Moreover, Mix a teaspoon of honey with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, then beat in an egg yolk, massage on hair in small sections and then wrap your head with shower cap for 30 minutes. Lastly, wash it with shampoo.

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