الخميس، 6 يناير 2011

What is Tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis Pictures
Picture 1 – Tonsillitis
Source – typepad
Tonsillitis is a health condition that is characterized by swollen or inflamed tonsils. As you must be aware, tonsils are the two large masses of tissue in the throat that act as a defense against invading germs and organisms. There is a tonsil on either side of the throat. When one or both of these tissue balls suffer an inflammation, there is a case of Tonsillitis. If the tonsils get too enlarged, they may even be touching each other.
Swollen tonsils in children are also known as kissing tonsils. However, there may also be a case of Swollen Tonsils on one side.

Symptoms of Swollen Tonsils

Tonsillitis comes with many symptoms. Some of the major Tonsillitis symptoms are :


Inflammation or swelling is one of the main symptoms of Tonsillitis in adults as well as children. Swollen tonsils lead to difficulties in swallowing and cause much discomfort while eating or drinking. Sufferers may also find it difficult in opening their mouth.

Red Tonsils

The tonsils may appear red in case of an inflammation. Red Swollen Tonsils are very common in case of a cold virus infection. Tonsillitis in babies leads to very red tonsils.


In people with swollen tonsils white spots or yellow patches are often visible. Swollen Tonsils with white spots give the mouth a ghastly appearance.

Foul Breath

The patients of Tonsillitis also commonly suffer from a bad breath condition.

Sore Throat

The patients may also experience soreness in the throat. This is felt even in normal circumstances. If you have a sore throat Swollen Tonsils may be the cause.


Pain in the throat also gives rise to headache in sufferers.

Sore Eyes

Inflammation in the tonsils can also make the suffering person experience soreness in the eyes.

Aches in Body

Inflammation and pain in the tonsils can also give rise to aches in the body in the suffering person.


In some cases, high fever may also be one of the signs of Tonsillitis.


The patient may also experience chills in the body because of Swollen Tonsils and glands.


In Swollen Tonsils no pain usually arises until the suffer tries eating and drinking. An acute pain is felt while consuming anything. Even drinking liquids like water can be quite painful.

Acute Tonsillitis

Acute Tonsillitis Pictures
Picture 2 – Acute Tonsillitis
Source – google
In worse cases of tonsil inflammation, the patient suffers from acute Tonsillitis. This happens due to bacterial or viral infection in the throat. An acute condition of the tonsils gives rise to symptoms like bad breath, fever and sore throat other than usual discomforts like difficulty in swallowing. Acute Tonsillitis in children often makes them miss out on school.

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