السبت، 1 يناير 2011

How to Get Rid of Gallstones Pain?

How to Get Rid of Gallstones Pain?
In order to get rid of gallstones pain, you must get rid of your gallstones. The gallstones cause crippling pain on your upper abdomen as well as your back. You may be suffering from nausea also because of the gallstones. The gallstones can be dissolved and flushed out completely so as to get complete relief from the pain. There are natural remedies through which you can get rid of the gallstones pain.
Gallstones are formed due to solidification of bile, the enzyme secreted by liver for digestion of fats. Bile is stored in gall bladder and it flows through bile duct. Due to excess of cholesterol or bilirubin content in the bile, it solidifies and form gallstones. When the gallstones block the bile duct, bile cannot flow freely resulting in swelling and pain.
Excess cholesterol content cause formation of cholesterol gallstones and excess bilirubin causes formation of pigment gallstones. Natural remedies can dissolve all types of gallstones in both men and women.
Women are more prone to gallstones formation since pregnancy, excess of estrogen and obesity will cause gallstones. Other causes for gallstone formation are excess of cholesterol, low-fiber high-fat diet, constipation occurring frequently, old age, fasting and diabetes.
Nausea, indigestion, yellow skin, yellow eyes, clay colored stools, dark colored urine, severe back pain and severe pain over upper part of abdomen are the symptoms of gallstones.
A healthy diet and healthy life style can guard you against gallstones. Your diet must be free of junk foods and contain less carbohydrate. You must take more of vegetables, fruits and nuts. Drink plenty of water. Drinking coffee and taking calcium phosphate can prevent formation of gallstones. Keep your body fit by doing exercises regularly.
There are various methods of natural remedies for getting rid of gallstones pain. They are in the form of Home Remedies which are very safe and effective.
Drink apple juice for two days before going to bed. On the second day night drink a mixture of 3 ounces of dark olive oil and 3 ounces of fresh lemon crush. Gallstones will be flushed out on the third day.
Drink two teaspoons of Quebra Pedra herb in 500 ml water daily for 2 months.
Drink 1 table spoon of apple cider vinegar in one glass of apple juice daily for quick relief of pain due to gallstones.
Home Remedies are very fast in action. They will flush out the gallstones completely and thereby enable you to get rid of gallstones pain for ever. Moreover, since they are natural remedies, they will cause no side effects unlike surgical methods of treatment.


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